
jupiter jumped the hedge
ceasar broke the center
heels crush the apples
in the orchards on the edge
when the men behind catch up
ceasar is broken on the wheel
jupiter is burned alive
children spit at them and
play at rag-dolls burned alive
tinsley buys a sack of flour
gerald woos stephen’s daughter
jupiter screams and screams
the music of america
a full day and the sun sets
tomorrow the pox will settle
in the center city
more will scream on the spit
as examples of sullen rebellion
as a blow against gathering to
drink and play music all night
the cold gaze of wealth power
and international intrigue
fights and wins the war against
the living breathing majority
soon the civic mind will rise
to help make the states unite
sometimes for the worse
sometimes for the better
sometimes just to keep a balance
revolving spitting wracked by flame
jupiter screams and screams
the music of america
tomorrow the pox will take
one half

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