ulterior motive

obituary banner
red white and black
you befuddle the brainless
we the people
line up like daisy
cutters cute and
monstrous moral
empty chamber
your slogans are bilious
like the rotting corpses
rendered in death
tantrum bloodbath
you are a child
without wonder
and sick w/out eyes
yours is the mutant
mockery of lovers
and believers
in the revolution
osama have snake
in back pocket
but your fangs
glisten in dripful
fantasy for afghan blood
you wear the burqa
of hate that deranges
your vision even
the tented women
you bomb have sight
of the circle round
black hole hollow socket
why do you poison
us with propaganda
the hot breath of
viper venom
and corporate coils
wrapped round the world
your den men are blind
and slither in heat seek
hate for racist pleasure
to hurt god¹s children
i am ashamed
to be an american
in this odious hour

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